Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Stresses of Blogging

Last night, as I was promoting Abbey's blog, Abbey told me I should start blogging again...and I agree. My only problem is that I have 3 separate accounts on 3 separate blog hosting sites and I can't decide which one to update I update all three anytime I create a new post. It seems redundant and stupid and I honestly think no one reads any of the three...but still! Is there someplace that can just consolidate all my entries and comments from each of my blogs (comments are the funnest part, no?) into one freakin' massive blog? Where's the blog hosting site for the indecisive? And if it exists and I don't know about it - please let me know!!!

A little blogging history:

Jennifer's Xanga:
What can I say? When the whole blog hype went up, I blogged on xanga incessantly. My friends all had xanga's and we'd update every other day or so and comment on each others entries with fun things and I loved it. We even had a xanga for The Sacred Quartet!

Recently, xanga decided to change it's look (I hate it) and decided to place ads everywhere as well. I can hardly navigate through the new interface b/c I'm so used to my old xanga world. New xanga world sucks (not to mention that none of my friends blog nor read blogs anymore).

No way in hail can I forsake my blogging roots.

Xanga Shoutouts:


(haha, we all used to be so hxc. And apparently, krissy deleted her xanga >_< whyyyyy stoop ?!!!!). Aww. I miss y'all. Come back.

Jennifer's Livejournal:
I really don't know why I have one of these. But I do.

LJ Shout Outs:

Jennifer's Blogger:
I made an account with blogger a really long time ago. I don't remember why. Over the summer, my friends and I had a summer poetry thing we tried doing and we used blogger to keep each other updated with our poems of the day. I kind of like this site, I just don't know how to use it yet. It always makes me sign in and I have no idea why. Can't I just look at my freakin' blog and stay signed in already?

Blogger Shout Outs:
210 Summer Poetry Club
Just the Girl Next Door

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