Sunday, February 27, 2011

It's a beautiful day in the Hill Country.


You Never Know - Wilco

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Playing Catsup

I've been vacant from my blog posts lately. Which is unfortunate because I constantly have these moments where I think to myself "I need to blog about this!" ... but lo-and-behold, here I am with all this information to blog about now and so few people with the attention span to actually read what I have to say. I'll go ahead and take blame for this factor since it has been obvious that I have been lazy.

So let's start.

1.  For Valentine's Day, Patrick and I made plans on the fly (just to be out of the house) so my roommate and her long distance bf could have a movie date in the living room without my constant interruption. I seriously hate making decisions and gift giving, so Valentine's Day is definitely not on my radar of celebration. I look at this day as a chore above anything else. Needless to say, I am awesome at doing chores, and got Patrick and I tix for the David Bazan living room show in ATX that's happening in April. Then Patrick made a quick dinner reservation at Maggiano's and we went to see True Grit afterward. Wooo Valentine's day. I'm sure you were dying to know what I did. So there you have it.

2.  Last week, Patrick and I got to enjoy a late Christmas gift. I've only ever been to the Majestic Theater once before to see The Lion King with Hayley, and I've been meaning to make a return to the theater ever since. This time, with far better seats and an accidental seating arrangement with even more friends, we saw WICKED. Of course you know that this production is fantastic so I need not elaborate. I already can't wait to see it again. Can you imagine having been able to see this in its original run on broadway with Kristen Chenoweth and Idina Menzel?! One tick on my "things to do" list is definitely to get my butt over to NYC and see a real broadway show one day.

3.  I also have to share about the super fancy yummy restaurant on Austin Highway called Silo. The atmosphere here is really nice (but beware b/c it's nice in a "this is a great place for intimate conversation" sort of way, not a "hey let's go hang out at this restaurant for 3 hours" kinda way). You even get to take a little elevator to the second floor, which is where the restaurant is located. If you're ever on the lookout to lay down some ca$h or to take a friend or family member out for a fancy little dinner, this is the place to go. I ordered the beef tenderloin with a spinach salad and creme brulee for dessert. Patrick got the duck with a spinach salad and chocolate mousse for dessert (complete with edible chocolate cup). Sooo delish and nice portion control. Unless you already ate supper before you got here, I'd say that sharing a plate is not ideal. Plus, you are NOT going to want to share your plate.

4.  One thing that is not a very fun update is that I've been hanging out at the doctor's office lately. I had to get kind of scary labwork done on Tuesday that consisted of me getting my first IV ever. I was suuuuper nervous going in. I honestly make it sound worse than it was, but I was kinda freaked out since I've never really had many encounters at the hospital before.  I'm really thankful my mom was able to drive down and take care of me. We celebrated the successful procedure with a home-made Korean meal which totally made up for all the nerves and tears I started the day out with. Even Aidan came to eat supper with me!

I know that God is allowing certain things to happen for a reason, and while I might not understand it -- these things will ultimately give God glory. In the grand scheme of things, that's all that should really matter. (It's easier to type out than believe in my heart, but I just have to keep telling myself that God is shaping me in ways I will never probably understand). Please pray that everything turns out fine and that nothing too terrible is happening.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Happy Birthday And :-*

On Saturday, Patsy and I met Chris and Andrea in Gruene to belatedly celebrate And's 21st with them. Happy birthday darling.  We love you very very very very very very very much!

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

California Girls

Let's talk about how much I love Zooey.

La la la I love Zooey.  She is prettier than Katy Perry and classier too.  I know this because Katy Perry dated Matt Thiessen.  If Katy Perry were classy, she would still be dating Matt Thiessen.

Zooey also has this little music project with M.Ward. Their music is so freakin' cute and their videos are so freakin' OOC. 

Here is their latest vid - "Don't Look Back" from Volume II.
